The Watershed Navigator is a resource for people who live and play in Oregon’s Tualatin River Watershed. It includes tools for your home, yard, and community and where to access parks, trails and the river. Explore the site to learn more about our water; how we use it, how it moves across and shapes the land, and what to do when there’s too much.
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Developed by:

The Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a local unit of government that helps the community improve conditions of soil, water, and other natural resources. We work with Washington County residents on a cooperative, voluntary basis to conserve our shared resources for current and future generations. We do not create or enforce natural resource regulations or land-use rules.

Clean Water Services is a water resources management utility that combines science and nature to clean water and return it to the Tualatin River, so it can be used again. We work in partnership with others to safeguard the river’s health and vitality, ensure the economic success of our region, and protect public health for more than 600,000 residents and businesses in urban Washington County.